Students enjoy a Factory Tour at GBS.....

Earlier this month we welcomed students from St George’s Academy from Sleaford, Lincolnshire to enjoy a full factory to show what we do. They got to see what we do and the whole process of building a sports car along with the products that we manufacture, with nearly every part on the car manufactured on site by our team they were very impressed and inspired by what we do.
The Zero build is an ideal educational tool in engineering and technical programs. Students are able to gain practical experience developing their knowledge and understanding of engineering in a practical application. As well as being an exciting and captivating project for students a GBS Zero build maintains interest and enthusiasm with a real sense of achievement as each stage is completed. With the end result not only being an enjoyable sports car but a worth while asset too. Click here for more details about the educational builds we offer and to see more details about the tours that we offer, or contact us.