The first GBS Cars & Coffee event of 2020 is happening… Hope you can join us?
/We are delighted to share with you all that our first GBS Cars and Coffee event of the year is confirmed and will be happening at the GBS Factory on Saturday 21st March. Already it looks like its going to be a busy day with lots of people confirmed to join us, We have set up an event page on our Facebook page so let us know you are coming and keep checking that for updates and you can invite your friends & family to join us too! Click here for more details and to let us know you are coming.
We are pleased to also share with you that from our GBS Christmas Cars & Coffee event we raised an amazing £225.95 for the Cancer Research UK Charity, we also collected for the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance but we are just waiting for the tins to be counted then we when we find out we will let you know. We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to you all for joining us at our Cars & Coffee events and for your generous donations to two great charities which we support and making the events a great success. We hope you can join us on Saturday 21st March and we look forward to seeing a car park full of sports cars again.
We are just in the process of confirming the first GBS Track Day of 2020, so as soon as that is confirmed it will be displayed on our events page and announced on social media. Don’t forget you can also join our GBS mailing list, where you will receive monthly emails directly from the Factory. Click here to join our GBS mailing list.