It has been a very strange year for us all, but together we have got through it and still had some great times….

2020 has been a very strange year for us all and Covid-19 has put many of our plans that we all had on hold. But together as a team and with your support we have got through it and still had a successful year. Here are just a few of our favourites moments that we have captured during the year, next year we are hoping will be a much better year for us all and we look forward to enjoying the Zero’s with you all.


The Autosport International and Race Retro were the only two events that the Zero was seen at this year. We look forward to seeing you all next year at many events.

GBS Zero 2.5 Duratec Self Build kit.jpg

Release of the New GBS Zero Complete component build package - Which is now one of the popular self build options, click here for details.


We were pleased to welcome Will to join GBS as our new apprentice. Will is mainly based in our workshop but has spent time in other areas of GBS to get an understanding of what we do.


We had a great time working with the MTDCNC team filming for their 200th Swarf and Chip show which we featured in. We filmed at both the GBS Factory & Blyton Park Circuit - Find out how a British Sports Car is Made…. Click here to see the video.


Our Brand New Gen 2 Zero Demonstrator was released in March this year. Our Zero demonstrator is very high spec with a lot of optional extras and upgrades.


Customer Peer Moberg LHD Zero registered in Norway, the Zero is available in LHD & is sold worldwide. Several other Zero’s also registered in USA.


We were excited to be finalists in the Business Innovation category for this year’s Newark Business Awards. The awards evening is happening on Zoom, we will share with you how we get on later this month!


Autumn Run Out in the Zero’s, we are pleased that we had the opportunity to have a run out in the Zero’s safely. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed around 50 miles through lovely villages & country roads. We look forward to doing it again next year.


We enjoyed a day at Blyton Park Track with the Car Crowd for their launch event. We can’t wait to do more corporate track events and track days with the Zero’s.


Its been a busy year for Zero Factory Builds, with many more currently in production that will be completed and registered in 2021.


Its been a busy year for Zero kit collections and exports. We have been doing deliveries as well as collections to make things easier and safer. We have also seen Zero’s go to Canada, Sweden, France, USA.


Our final event of the year is always our GBS Christmas Cars & Coffee event, unfortunately it will not be happening this year. BUT we are all very much looking forward to our 2021 GBS Cars & Coffee event that we plan to happen on Saturday 27th March at GBS.

Those that haven’t been able to visit us this year please see a link here to a factory tour video that we made earlier this year. We are still open for appointment only visits to come and see the Zero’s, please contact us to arrange your visit to see us.

Follow us on Instagram to see more photographs and behind the scenes of what we are up to.
Follow us @gbs_cars