Another GBS Zero Kit is collected & its Competition time…..


Father & Son collect their Zero kit….. Last Saturday GBS Customer Nick Mann and his son Michael from Guernsey came to collect their Zero Mazda self build kit, we were also very busy with test drives in our Zero demonstrator. If you would like to arrange  a test drive and factory visit please get in touch and we can look to book you in for a visit.
We are also now busy packing a Zero Race Self build kit that is scheduled to be collected next week that will be going to a new customer in the USA, and we have a few more Zero self build collections this week. Think everyone is wanting their Zero’s for Christmas so they can keep busy and start their builds over the holidays! For more details on the Zero self build options click here.

Its Competition time again….. Make sure you visit our GBS Facebook page today as we have just announced a GBS competitions.  For the chance to WIN a GBS Hoodie head over to our GBS Facebook page  all you have to do is like our page, and post and Tag 2 friends by 11.12.19. Good Luck to you all….. Enter here.  
A Winner will be picked at random and notified on our GBS Facebook page on 11.12.19.

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