Jubilee GBS Run Out in the Zero’s…… Come & join us in your Zero!

Time to bring out your Zeros to celebrate our Queens Jubilee this year…… We are organising a fabulous ‘Jubilee GBS Run Out’ to show off bespoke British excellence in honour of our Queen. This is an invitation to all the GBS Zero owners out there to come and join us on this special occasion.

We love getting out in our Zero demonstrators when we can and we know you do too, so let us have more fun and drive together to a beautiful location via scenic countryside. Looking at a Zero on the road is exciting enough, imagine looking at us all together on the road!

The Queen’s 70th year as the Queen has given us another opportunity to show off in style and we want you to be a part of it. We are planning this to happen on the Bank Holiday weekend that is happening in June and plan for the Run Out to happen on Thursday 2nd June where we will meet at GBS to then go onto enjoy a drive out in the Zero’s together.

If you would like to join us in your Zero and like more details, please click below to register your interest and we will send you over some details nearer the time. Please note this is for GBS Zero owners only.

Don’t forget the first GBS Cars & Coffee event of 2022 is happening on Saturday 19th March , hope you can all join us all cars are welcome. Please see more details on our event page.